November 21, 2015

Simple & Easy Onion Rice Recipe

Simple & Easy Onion Rice Recipe  :


  • Rice                       - 2 cups 
  • Onion                     - 1 ½ (big)
  • Garlic                    - 2 pods (minced)
  • Mustard seeds      - ½  tbsp 
  • Green chillies       - 2-3 nos 
  • Pepper                  - 2 tbsp
  • Termaric powder   - 1/2 tsp
  • Oil                        - 3  tbsp 
  • Lime juice              - 2  tbsp 
  • Salt                       - To taste 


1. Cook the rice well. 
2. In the meantime, take a pan and heat it with oil.
3. Once it is heated, add mustard seeds till it splutters. 
4. Now, add the onions, garlic and green chillies. Saute this mixture well till the onions turn       golden brown,then add termaric powder and mix well.
5. Now, add the cooked rice into this pan. Add salt and pepper as well.
6. Keep the mixture on medium flame for some time till you get the aroma of spices
    and onions. 
7. Turn off the stove and add lime juice to this mixture. Stir it well. 
8.  Delicious onion rice is ready to be served.